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Apple Climbs to #35 in Fortune 500 Rankings

Fortune today released its annual "Fortune 500" rankings of America's largest companies by revenue, revealing that Apple leapt 21 spots this year to land at #35 with over $65 billion in revenue.
Apple climbed 21 slots into the top 50 of the Fortune 500 this year. How'd it get there? The company not only continues to expand its reach in existing markets, it also keeps creating new ones.

Take the iPad, which showed the world the power of tablet computing when it was introduced last year. iPad 2 followed, and was one of the most highly anticipated electronic products this year. CEO Steve Jobs' appearance at its debut in March reassured shareholders worried about his most recent medical leave. Regardless of who's in charge, though, investors have plenty of reason to believe Apple's magic spell on consumers can continue.
Apple's profits of $14 billion in 2010 also made it the 8th most profitable company, up from 26th place last year. In the Computer and Office Equipment category, Apple passed Dell in overall revenue to move into second place behind HP. Apple leads that category in profits by a wide margin.

Apple was also cited as one of the seven biggest hirers of 2010, adding 12,600 employees during the year to reach nearly 50,000 total employees. Apple also leads the Fortune 500 in average annual investment returns over the past decade, averaging 45.8% annual growth.

Overall, Wal-Mart repeated as the world's largest company with $421 billion in revenue, well ahead of second-place Exxon Mobil's $354 billion figure.

(Quoted from Macrumors)

[Iphone Game] 太鼓之達人 Plus – 《Taiko No Tatsujin Plus》

很久之前,筆者曾經介紹過一隻仿太鼓之達人的《Bongo Touch》,單看公仔真的有可能以假亂真。其實《太鼓之達人》的正版早就在日本的App Store登陸,但直至早兩天《太鼓之達人 Plus》才正式出現在香港的App Store之上,Fans們相信也必定留意到吧!《太 鼓之達人 Plus》的玩法應該不用筆者多作介紹吧,大家只要跟著圖案,跟著節拍按下就好。玩家們可是要留意,下載《太鼓之達人 Plus》的而且確是免費,但如果各位想玩一些出名的Japanese Pop Songs或者Anime Songs就需要拿出你的錢包來買那些所謂的「Song Pack」,每Pack五首歌,定價為US$4.99,貴是貴了點,但各位望穿秋水終於盼到它出現,這一點點錢,應該不會介意吧。
遊戲名稱:《Taiko No Tatsujin Plus》
售價: Free
系統:iPhone (3G、3Gs、4)、iPod touch、iPad

每個Song Pack包含5首著名Japanese Pop Songs及Anime Songs,售價為US4.99,是平是貴就見仁見智了。


(Quoted from


Apple 推出 iOS 4.3.3,但很快... 又可以 JB 了

早前推出的iOS 4.3.2被發現仍然有多項小問題,並已事先張揚將會有iOS 4.3.3版本作更新。現在終於可以下載,各用家可以透過iTunes直接進行更新。當然已JB的用家還要等多一陣吧!

iOS 4.3.3 軟體更新
此更新項目針對了 iOS 眾包位置資料庫的快取資料作出以下更動:
- 縮小快取資料的大小
- 不會再將快取資料備份到 iTunes
- “定位服務”關閉時會完全刪除快取資料
此更新項目同時也解決了部分語言環境下 iPod 排列歌曲不正確的問題。
• iPhone 4(GSM 機型)
• iPhone 3GS
• iPad 2
• iPad
• iPod touch(第四代)
• iPod touch(第三代)


這邊 Apple  iOS 4.3.3 正式推出,那邊有人已經發現可以 Jailbreak 了。外國網站有人測試過 Redsn0w 可以成功半 Jailbreak (Reboot後需要再 JB ) iPhone4, 3Gs , iPad 及 iPT 4G/3G。不過筆者還是勸各位等到完美版 JB 推出才 JB 或更新 iOS 4.3.3 吧!

來源 :

(Quoted from:

施華洛世奇水晶 + 法國名牌 + 人手鑲嵌 iPhone4 Case = $1,398

很多姐妺都愛 bling bling iPhone Case,會在街上買一些無牌子的 bling bling 殼或是買一些貼紙貼上,不過最大問題就是很容易掉下來而且不夠閃。如果各位肯花上千多元的話,可以試試由法國品牌 Lucien Elements 推出的最新 iPhone4 Case ! 筆者覺得真機比相片還要美。

全世界第一款使用珠寶級的電度鋁及真正的SWAROVSKI施華洛世奇水晶制造的iPhone4 Case


(Quoted from

靚聲可愛 Hello Kitty iPhone/iPod/iPT 音樂座

這個 Hello Kitty iPhone/iPod/iPod touch 音樂座,相信無論男或女都會喜愛! 每天回家只要插上 iPhone 或 iPod 於 Kitty 頭頂便可以即時充電,同時可以播放機內的歌曲。別以為 Hello Kitty 只有外表,其實是喇叭使用了 2.1 的設計,機底設有超低音 Woofer 所非常好 Bass。最可愛是只要用手摸摸左右兩邊的貓耳,就可以調節音量,更附有搖控器。



充電+Hifi 多功能. 追女仔送禮首選
想追求女孩子又想不到好禮物,這個 Hello Kitty 音樂座必定是首選。試想想 iPhone / iPod 必定她的隨身物品,而且一用就幾年。以筆者經驗告訴大家,女孩子一用 iPhone 就如中毒般不放手,就算再買都只會選擇 iPhone。如果你送這個音樂座給她,她每晚回家放置手機到音樂座充電時都會想起你,而且這個音樂座女孩子九成九都會放置於自己睡房中,趟在牀上看到 Kitty 又想起你,用搖控播歌時又想起你,以禮物攻心戰略來說,可說是大成功! 當然它不級戒指耳環等隨身,不過女孩子飾物經常更換,但這個 Hello Kitty 音樂就一定要放置於房中,而且每天在使用呢!
就算不插 iPhone 時,也是一個非常可愛的擺設

有 Sanrio License,絕非冒牌大陸貨可媲

放在 iPhone4 讓各位知道尺寸大小

2.1 設計靚聲之選
一般 iPhone 音樂座體積都很大,因為如果喇叭單元不大的話聲音會很單薄,不過這個小巧的 Hello Kitty 音樂座使用了 2.1 的設計,兩隻耳朵裡有一小發聲單元,負責高音輸出,而底部有一個低音喇音,專門負責 BASS 及中低音,特別的設計令低音向桌面反射,令 Bass 更沉實有力。透過搖控器可以依個人喜好調校高低音的輸出。

可連接電腦或其他 MP3 機
此 Hello Kitty 音樂座設有 Aux Input 輸入,各位可以用來接駁電腦、MP3 機’、Xbox、PS3、PSP、NDS….等等的裝置播放
有 Aux in 輸入,可連接其他裝置如 MP3 機、電腦及 xbox 等等

萬用插座設計支援未來 Apple 產品
現在的連接座除了可接駁全系列  iPhone / iPod Touch 外,還技援未來的 Apple 產品,因為底座附件可以更換,方便廠商未來推出升級附件
可更換插座附件,支援更多的 Apple 裝置

(Quoted from

Supply chain sources say all remaining Macs to receive update in coming months

According to one analyst's check with sources along Apple's supply chain, Apple plans to refresh the rest of its Mac lineup, which would include the MacBook, Mac Pro, Mac Mini and MacBook Air, "in upcoming months."

Analyst Shaw Wu with Sterne Agee issued a note to investors on Wednesday claiming that all Mac products that have yet to see a refresh this year are "due for refreshes" soon.

Not included on Wu's list are the MacBook Pro, which underwent a refresh in February, and the iMac, which saw a new version on Tuesday. Both products saw a transition to Intel's new Sandy Bridge processors and the addition of the new high-speed Thunderbolt input/output port.

Wu believes the MacBook refresh is especially important because the entry-level notebook represents roughly one-third of Apple's portable business, which itself has grown to 73 percent of all Mac sales. The last update for the MacBook came in May 2010.

As for the other Macs, the Mac Mini was most recently refreshed in June 2010, while the Mac Pro saw an update last July and the MacBook Air received a substantial upgrade last October. Wu sees the upcoming Mac refreshes as offsetting "a very minor cannibalistic impact" that the iPad 2 could have on Apple's Mac business.

In February, a report claimed that Apple will replace the MacBook Air's aging Core 2 Duo chip with the current Sandy Bridge processors in June.

In his note, Wu told investors that Tuesday's iMac refresh stands as "a worthy upgrade" and should help "reinvigorate" Mac's desktop business, which has declined to 27 percent of Macs shipped. Sales of Mac desktops actually dropped by 12 percent year over year last quarter, compared to 53 percent year over year growth for portable Macs.

Mac Desktop Shipment Trend

Wu maintains a Buy rating and a price target of $445 for Apple.