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Rumor: iOS 4.3 today at 10 AM PT, including WiFi hotspot

A rumor fresh out of BGR claims that iOS 4.3 may debut today at 10 AM Pacific Time. This release date is earlier than the March 11 date suggested last week when the gold master version of the mobile operating system was released to developers.
BGR also claims the widely-reported three device WiFi limit of the personal hotspot feature is incorrect. According to anonymous sources, the carrier determines the limit of personal hotspot connections and can allow five devices to connect if it so chooses. That's in direct contradiction to Apple's iOS 4.3 page, however, which says that the feature supports only three devices via WiFi plus an extra two devices via USB and Bluetooth respectively. It's possible that BGR's sources got the five-device number without realizing that Apple is counting Bluetooth and USB separately from the three-device WiFi limit.

[Interestingly, Verizon's version of the personal hotspot feature is listed as supporting five WiFi devices, full stop. That does lend some traction to the BGR five-device concept, but remember that VZW iPhones aren't running 4.3 and won't be for a while yet. –Ed.]
We can't confirm the validity of the iOS release time, so take it with a grain of salt. On the bright side, we shall know in a mere few hours if this is the real deal or merely a false alarm.

(Quoted from: tauw)

